Vulnerability Intelligence

Prepare for the Inevitable

Everything in your technology stack has vulnerabilities. That’s just how software is. Even the best patching and management regimes can’t catch every possible weakness. Your attack surface continually changes with new or updated applications. New CVEs are found. And outdated technologies or open ports forgotten in the pressures of day-to-day IT management could leave you open to network intrusions. KELA helps you get a handle on the breadth of vulnerabilities that may be creating risk for your organization, and reduce the noise of irrelevant ones.

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Adopting traditional vulnerability management tools is an important component of cyber defense. While helpful, those tools can be complex to run, can generate a vast number of un-prioritized alerts, and work by monitoring infrastructure from the inside out, potentially missing external flaws. An additional layer of intelligence will result in a more robust and holistic solution for vulnerability management. KELA helps you look from the outside in, identifying perimeter weaknesses like outdated or risky software and web servers that attackers can use to penetrate your network.

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KELA delivers continual intelligence about which CVEs are trending for exploitation, so you can prioritize patching based on your true risk level. KELA automates monitoring for vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure, and even helps you identify unauthorized access to internal networks. Knowing your real exposure enhances your vulnerability management capability and significantly boosts your security posture.